The Kontrol4Upvise in Australia journey started when Marcus van Enk (20 years experience in civil construction) jumped into his 4WD, flipped down the sun visor and got showered with paperwork and receipts. With steam pouring out of his ears, he thought there must be a better way.

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The Vertical Matters Research:

Scoured the globe - US Study Tour (OAMPS/CCF) - 2010 - ADVANCEMENTS IN CIVIL CONSTRUCTION

Read countless online cloud product reviews

Trialled and tested over 50 different cloud based products

Consulted over 500 hours with industry stakeholders (CCF, MRWA, Worksafe, ALDE, Master Plumbers, Major Suppliers)

Held and participated in 50+ industry meetings and presentations to determine needs and wants

We listened, refined and submitted and delivered on over 250+ product improvements to the product developers

What we found and helped develop - the best app for business - Upvise - used by over 186,000 users around the world

Fast forward to 2012 and we have the start of ‘Kontrol4 - Upvise in Australia' developed by Vertical Matters

Why Kontrol4? Because we give you kontrol4 your industry.

Utilising the power of a select few mobile technologies we can address the cloud based technology requirements of any industry vertical

Save your time - utilise our hard yards to deliver on your cloud strategy

Shortly after, he took a sabbatical and designed a system, with the original developer of the software that powers the Amazon Kindle, that would meet his dream requirements and remove pen and paper from a typical contractors day to day operations.

Fast forward to late 2012 and Kontrol4Upvise in Australia was born. Utilising the power of leading mobile technology frameworks, Platformers can now address the cloud based technology requirements of any industry vertical or company seeking bespoke mobile developments in a rapid turnaround for low upfront cost.

Some Key Results:

Read countless online cloud product reviews to identify where the market was heading and how the technologies were developing globally.

Trialled and tested over 50 different cloud based products to identify the most important features and benefits.

Spent over 500 hours with industry stakeholders to map technology outcomes with industry needs.

Scoured the globe for a fast moving, highly capable development framework, started to build Australia's best Mobile Quality Management System (MQMS).

Listened, refined, submitted and delivered on over 250+ product improvements to the UpviseJS framework and continue to do so.

The primary goal has always been to save clients time, money and set them apart from the rest.